MP Beselia : Georgian Dream offered its version 0 % threshold, or an imitated majoritarian system

25.06.19 15:40

Early parliamentary elections are important, but not now, because the “Georgian Dream” will now claim that there is no enough time to move to the proportional election system, MP Eka Beselia, former member of the ruling “Georgian Dream” party, said on Tuesday.


Eka Beselia considers that it’s important to move to the proportional election system and to maintain 3 % threshold.


“Early parliamentary elections are important, the government, must resign but not so fast to give reason to the “Georgian Dream” to say that there is no enough time to move to the proportional election system. Nobody will take the bait. It’s important to hold the elections through the proportional election system, but the “Georgian Dream” offered its version - 0 % threshold, or an imitated majoritarian system and it’s unacceptable,” MP Beselia said.




source: IPN/interpressnews.ge

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