Shalva Papuashvili: Parliament will overcome the veto related to offshore next week - the argumentation related to the veto is based on absurdity

20.05.24 12:56

Of course, the parliament will overcome the veto related to offshore next week - the argumentation related to the veto is based on absurdity, - the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, told the journalists about this.


According to Papuashvili, talk about the fact that black, sanctioned money should enter the country by the law adopted by the parliament, "is not only a lie, but it is not even read from the law".


According to Papuashvili, the law serves the purpose of encouraging Georgian companies to transfer their foreign assets to Georgia, thus only domestic businesses and the population will see profit.


"Actually, we are talking about those companies, which in their essence are Georgian companies, which also have companies in Georgia - we are talking only about these companies and not about any other. These companies should have the opportunity to return to Georgia. These are Georgian companies with assets in offshore zones. We need as much investment and money in as possible to grow our economy.


There will be a one-time incentive for these companies to repatriate, which they can do now. The only difference that the law passed by the parliament establishes is that if they return they will not pay the tax, otherwise they can transfer the assets now. They have to pay a tax in this case, but we tell them that in order to encourage and motivate them, there will be no tax. Such motivation is often used by the state when the plot is transferred preferentially in order to attract investment," said Shalva Papuashvili.




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