About how the "ancient Armenians" created the civilization of India

31.01.20 11:30

The megalomania of Armenian falsifiers of history knows no bounds. It turns out that the "ancient Armenians" contributed not only to European culture but also the culture of almost all the peoples of the East. Unless there is so far a “complete scientific justification” of the origin of Chinese civilization from the Armenians, but judging by the trends, it is not long to expect.


But in India, if you listen to the Armenian "historians", starting from the Taj Mahal mausoleum and ending with Hindu traditions, everything is connected with the Armenians. Here, for example, one of the material in this vein is “From Vishap to Vishnu and Fish Fish” ( -87u5gywACaTuvA7nmBpU8NzElzNSeJw1ZLYI)


“The English word Fish and the name of the Hindu deity Vishnu go back to the Armenian Vis-up)))


“The Armenian Khachkar was formerly called Vishapakar. It was an image of a dragon or a sea monster who could also live on trees or in the mountains.


Vishap's habitats seemed gloomy to the human imagination, hidden from prying eyes, where people could not get, and where his power was limitless.


Over time, Vishapakar became portrayed as a fish .. Thus, Vishap or Vish turned to Fish. This is the origin of the word Fish in English.


Having reached the Indian subcontinent, the inhabitants of the Armenian Highlands brought their mythology there as well. So in Hinduism appeared the deity Vishnu, depicted as a semi-fish ...


FISH or VISH. Now that we know where the word Fish-Vish comes from, we understand that it is derived from the Armenian word.

It is strange to hear and read about this as Indo-Iranian mythology, which of course is an anachronism, in the analysis of which the Armenian origin of the root word is completely ignored.


Many Armenian concepts were perceived as non-Armenian in various studies, the main reason for which was the lack of knowledge of the Armenian language and Armenian mythology, which initially led researchers in the opposite direction.


Comparative linguistics and comparative mythology make it possible to discover many secrets of the ancients and their worldview.


Thus, the next time you see a fish, it should remind you of those ancients who knew or thought that all life came out of the water.


People used the word Fish, not knowing about its origin and its true meaning.


Now the world can finally find out that the source of this word is the Armenian language and Armenian mythology. ”- Vahan Setyan (American historian of Armenian descent)”


Although any person who is more or less familiar with ancient history and Hindu mythology perceives the above opus as the complete nonsense that has nothing to do with real history, it's not so simple. In fact, we see the inertia of historical myth-making brought to absurdity, both Armenian and Indian.


It is no coincidence that Armenian falsifiers, seeking to emphasize the role of Armenians in world civilization, increasingly draws attention to the similarity of Armenian and Aryan (Indian) culture. To begin with, the Armenians and peoples of North India, by language, belong to the same Indo-European language family. Namely, the European colonialists, primarily the British, made a bet on the Indo-European peoples.


Therefore, when we encounter historical studies of the “outstanding Aryan Indian culture”, they are often very similar to similar studies of the “great ancient Armenia”. And this is by no means accidental.


The myth of its “antiquity of the“ Aryan ”Indian culture” was created at about the same time as the myth of the “antiquity and greatness of the Armenians”. And unfortunately in Europe, that false, colonial view of Indian culture and civilization still prevails. The basis is the “history of India”, which was first composed and then distributed around the world by the British colonialists.


Meanwhile, when the European colonialists began their attempts to conquer the Indian subcontinent, a mighty power already existed here, the Mughal Empire created by the Turks from Central Asia (the founder of the empire, Babur was from present-day Uzbek Andijan).


The entire elite of this empire was Turkic-Muslim. Turkic was the spoken language of the ruling elite. Moreover, the literary language of India, which was formed on the basis of local dialects of Urdu, has a huge part of Turkic vocabulary. The word urdu itself means horde.


It was the Turks who were the main opponents of the British colonialists in their attempts to conquer India, which the British carried out guided by the principle of "divide and conquer."


Therefore, their desire to oppose the “Aryan” pagan culture of the population of Northern India, which the Turkic rulers allowed to practice their religion (Hinduism) and the Muslim Turkic elite, is understandable.


As a result, Moguls and Muslim Turks, in general, were declared “invaders” and “barbarians”. With the help of collaborators from among the Indians, the “ancient” Indian historical mythology and the “history of Indian culture” began to be created from scratch by the colonial administration. From where everything Turkic and "non-Aryan" was deliberately thrown out. Also, the Turkic origin of many cultural masterpieces of India was hushed up.


Not everyone incidentally also knows that many of the so-called “ancient Indian sources” allegedly found and copied by “scholars” are nothing more than a compilation of oral Indian folklore traditions adapted for Europeans, which, in principle, differ little from the folklore of other peoples.


What the average European knows about Indian culture is again a composed, biased, and largely falsified story, where they tried in every possible way to belittle the role of the Turkic peoples as “barbarians”, and also derogated the culture of other non-Indo-European peoples of India. First of all, the Dravidian-speaking population of the south of the Indian subcontinent.


The racist myth was also cultivated that the more dark-skinned Dravidian peoples of South India, supposedly “backward”, brought nothing to Indian culture, and owed everything to the “Aryans” -North-Indians. At the same time, today's realities completely refute the racism of the colonialists. It was the peoples of South India that Telugu, Kannada, Tamils ​​, and Malayal gave the world the vast majority of Indian programmers, scientists, engineers.


From the point of view of “Aryan racism”, this cannot be explained. Why is the supposedly “backward” Dravidians of South India more inclined towards mathematics and the exact sciences and programming than the “ancient and cultural Aryans” of the North of India?


And of course, the role of the Turks in Indian civilization is still hushed up. Although the great empires of India created precisely the Turks. Starting from Kushans, Ephthalites (White Huns), Ghaznavids, ending with the Great Mughals.


The Türks ruled India in the pre-Islamic era. One thing in the "Aryan" interpretation of Indian history is that the Turkic peoples, the same Kushans, do not receive any attention at all.


Also still in the historical tradition of the "Aryan scholars-historians" is the neglect of the peoples of South India. Recently, however, the increased self-awareness of the same Dravidian peoples of South India requires a revision of the racist concept of "Aryan superiority" of the Northern Aryans.


It turns out that the Armenians with their falsifications and with their emphasis on “Aryanism” and “roles in Indian history and civilization” essentially defend false racist theories created in the colonial era.


All the historical delights of the Armenian “historians” ascribing the “outstanding role” to the “ancient Armenians” in the same Indian culture are not so harmless. Especially when you consider the very difficult situation in the Middle East. After all, it is possible that conflicts will be artificially inflated here. And then the infection of some peoples with “Aryan” theories may already have familiar tragic consequences after the Second World War.





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