Mikheil Sarjveladze: I don't think that Kelly Degnan means Georgian Dream in her statement - no one from our side is in the mood to attack anyone

29.07.22 15:00

I don't think that Kelly Degnan means Georgian Dream in her statement - no one from our side is in the mood to attack anyone or create problems in relations - on the contrary! - Georgia­n Dream deputy Mikheil Sarjveladze stated.


As Sarjveladze explains, every time Georgia­­n Dream talks about any issue, it always emphasizes that up until now and in the future too, Georgia is and will be interested in deepening the strategic partnership with the USA.


According to the majority MP, this is the leitmotif that follows the relationship with the USA.


"I don't think that Kelly Degnan means Georgia­n Dream in this case. If any statement gave reason for such interpretations, we must clearly say that there is no such mood on our part. The USA and the European Union are our main partners on the path of democratic changes and democratic development," said Mikheil Sarjveladze.


For information, US Ambassador Kelly Degnan said in an interview with VOA ​​that distancing Georgia's from its natural allies only serves narrow interests. According to her, it is not clear why some politicians are trying to create a divide between America and Georgia.


Earlier, Kelly Degnan also said in an exclusive interview with IPN that the West never tried to "drag Georgia into the war" and members of the ruling party, who echo these statements, are doing a disservice to the Georgian people.



source: IPN 

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