Bill Browder: Mikheil Saakashvili is dying and time is of the essence

25.01.23 14:40

The author of the Magnitsky list, Bill Browder met with Temur Alasania, the uncle of the former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, and lawyer Massimo D’Angelo.


According to him, Saakashvili is dying and time is of the essence.


“Just finished meeting with Timur Alasania (Mikheil Saakashvili’s uncle) and Massimo D’Angelo (Saakashvili’s lawyer) to discuss finalising a Magnitsky list for those torturing Mikheil in prison. Mikheil is dying and time is of the essence”, Bill Browder tweeted.ring Mikheil in prison. Mikheil is dying and time is of the essence.



source: IPN 

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