Marina Ezugbaia: The virus has spread intensively and a controllable, moderate increase is questionable - Adjara is already a red zone

08.09.20 14:20

According to Marina Ezugbaia, Medical Director of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, the increasing number of cases of the virus indicates that the spread of coronavirus in Georgia has become intense and a controlled increase is now questionable.


As Ezugbaia told reporters, the morbidity rate in the country has changed in the last two weeks, reaching 8 per 100,000 population.


"It is true that the country remains in the 'green zone', because the morbidity is less than 10. However, 45 new cases have been confirmed in the country for the first time. Therefore, we may think that the disease has spread intensively and our moderate, controlled growth is being called into question", - Ezugbaia said.


As for the Adjara, Ezugbaia states that there is no discussion of closing down the region yet, but the implementation of the recommendations and their enforcement will require strengthening of control mechanisms and expansion of testing.


"The situation in Adjara is even more serious. The incidence rate there is 42.4, which means that Adjara is already a red zone and there will probably be additional measures taken - this is to strengthen the control mechanisms for the implementation of recommendations, their enforcement and expandions of testings", - said Marina Ezugbaia.


For reference, 45 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Georgia as a result of which the number of infected reached 1729. The number of recoveries was increased by 6 to 1321.


source: IPN

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