Gia Volski: We have no joy about these issues, but it is a fact that the pseudo-liberal wing is experiencing quite serious problems in a number of countries

10.06.24 17:15

We have no joy about these issues, but it is a fact that the pseudo-liberal wing is experiencing quite serious problems in a number of countries - we must face this reality, - Georgian Dream MP Gia Volski said in connection with the European Parliament elections.


According to him, as a result of the elections, the configuration of the European Parliament did not change significantly, although conservative approaches won in a number of European countries.


"The configuration of the European Parliament as a whole has not changed significantly. It is of particular importance that in a number of countries, especially France and Germany, I would like to cite as an example, precisely these conservative approaches and visions have won. This is reality. We must face this reality. We have no joy about these issues, but it is a fact that the pseudo-liberal wing is experiencing quite serious problems in a number of countries," said Volski.




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