Mamuka Mdinaradze: Can anyone answer: How can democracy be undermined in Georgia by the same thing that strengthens democracy in the US and France?!

10.06.24 11:16

The first persons of the United States of America and France, once again, criticize us for the transparency law. How can democracy be undermined in Georgia by exactly the same thing that strengthens democracy in the US and France?! - Mamuka Mdinaradze, executive secretary of Georgian Dream and leader of the parliamentary majority, writes on the social network.


As Mamuka Mdinaradze notes, in the United States of America and France, a much stricter law applies.


"The first persons of the United States of America and France, once again, criticize us for the transparency law.


Can anyone, a person or an organization, Georgian or foreigner, give us an answer to the question? How can democracy be undermined in Georgia by the same thing that strengthens democracy in the US and France?!


In the United States of America, a much stricter law has been in effect since the 1930s. Not even a week has passed since France adopted a much stricter law regulating the same field!" Mamuka Mdinaradze writes.


For information, US and French Presidents Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron called on the Georgian Dream to respect the public's wishes by returning to the Euro-Atlantic path.




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