Mamuka Mdinaradze: We have the right to know whether we are the first legislators in the world who were sanctioned for passing a law

07.06.24 14:30

Still, I think we should take this story a little more seriously. For example, we have the right to know, at last, whether we are the first legislators in the world to be sanctioned for passing a law! - This is how the leader of the parliamentary majority, Mamuka Mdinaradze, responds to the visa restriction announced by the USA.


According to him, the opposition has the right to know exactly who was affected by the sanctions, so that "it can be happy with specific news, not with the general hints announced for the tenth time".


"However, I think we should approach this story a little more seriously.


For example, we have the right to know, at last, whether we are the first legislators in the world to be sanctioned for passing a law!


Also, the Georgian opposition-agency has the right to rejoice with more specific news, and not with the general hints announced for the tenth time.


It is inhumane treatment when they are forced to express admiration without any specifics. This is even worse than calling the word "Russian" by banning access to the content. They did not deserve such treatment!" Mamuka Mdinaradze wrote.


For information, the USA has announced the first tranche of visa restrictions - restrictions will be imposed on members of "Georgian Dream", members of parliament, law enforcement officers and private individuals.


As US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller explained, the first tranche of visa restrictions covers 24 to 36 people.




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