Kakha Kaladze: I'm not worried and I ask God not to give me more to worry about than that 

07.06.24 13:50

I'm not worried about that. I ask God not to give me more to worry about. My request is that you don't worry - I don't have an American visa, I was last there when I was playing in Milan, I haven't been there since then, and I don't want to go there, - Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze told journalists about the sanctions imposed by the United States.


According to Kaladze, nobody is afraid of sanctions.


"Again, this does not change our attitude towards the motherland. This does not change our decision when it comes to the interests, future and tomorrow of this country. No one is afraid of these sanctions. We have already said it once. I have not received any message. It's a non-serial thing that happens and it's hilarious. We have announced our policy. We are ready for cooperation and friendship. In order to reset this strategic relationship, there must be real healthy relationships, which is also important to us.


Can you explain at least one reason why the rulling party may be sanctioned? Talking about the sanctions of European integration [undermining?] is laughable. I don't know if there are 100 or 200 sanctioned, it doesn't matter. We stand on guard of the country. No one will be given the opportunity to do what is unfortunately happening in Ukraine in Georgia.


For someone, going somewhere or not going somewhere may be a problem, for me it doesn't matter when it comes to the country and homeland.


I don't have an American visa, the last time I was there was when I played in Milan, I haven't been since then and I don't want to go there. I'm not worried about that. I ask God not to give me more to worry about. My request would be that you should not worry. There is no excuse for sanctions", said Kakha Kaladze.




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