So-called foreign ministry of Abkhazia: Unfortunately, the number of countries that support the UN resolution is increasing every year – the document is openly biased

06.06.24 16:35

This document, which is presented annually to the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Georgia, is openly biased, drawn up without taking into account the opinions of all parties and does not reflect the real situation in the region, - said the so-called ministry of foreign affairs of Abkhazia.


"The most serious disappointment is that this resolution is adopted every year without considering the opinion of the Abkhazian side. Unfortunately, the request of the Abkhazian side to ensure equal conditions for all interested parties is completely ignored. The so-called international community, with its unilateral actions, shows that it has no desire at all to take into account the position of the Republic of Abkhazia on the issue," said the so-called agency.


According to them, the so-called "representatives of the republic of Abkhazia" have the full right to present their position to the international community, which "conforms to the spirit of the UN Charter and basic democratic principles."


"Unfortunately, the number of countries that support this resolution is increasing every year, because many representatives of the countries know little about the real processes taking place in Abkhazia," said the so-called deputy minister of foreign affairs, Irakli Tuzhba.


As a reminder, on June 4, in New York, the UN General Assembly, within the framework of the 78th session, adopted a resolution initiated by Georgia and 63 countries from different regions of the world - "On the status of refugees and persons displaced from Abkhazia, Georgia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia". 103 countries supported the resolution, and 9 countries voted against it: Russia, Syria, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Burundi, Belarus, Cuba, North Korea and Mali.




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