Beka Liluashvili: If anyone questioned our strategic partnership, it is the government of Georgia, which started directly attacking

06.06.24 15:00

If anyone questioned our strategic partnership, it is the government of Georgia, which started directly attacking, - Beka Liluashvili, a member of the Gakharia for Georgia party, said, responding to the US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller's statement about sanctions.


According to Liluashvili, the Georgian government took the first steps to spoil relations with strategic partners when it attacked the US ambassador and the entire embassy.


“Matthew Miller's statement probably means review of the strategic partnership framework. Miller talked about it when he said that these processes are being reviewed. Of course, we remember the first steps of spoiling relations with strategic partners from the side of the Georgian government, when it had been directly attacking its representative, the US ambassador, and the embassy for months. US support for the country's democracy was directly undermined when they opposed our strategic partners. Then, with the re-initiation of the "Russian Law", rhetoric was introduced against not only the US, but also the European Union and European states, that these states are actually not friends, but enemies. Therefore, first of all, if anyone questioned our strategic partnership, it is the government of Georgia, which starting direct attacks. Therefore, naturally, when the country is going backwards and there is a danger of being found directly in the orbit of Russia, our partners and their nations will not leave our country and people alone against this danger", Liluashvili said.


For information, US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said that the review of relations with Georgia will include potential sanctions, aid and visa restrictions.




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