Matthew Miller: The review of relations with Georgia is about potential sanctions, visa restrictions - there are actual serious policy ramifications, not just rhetoric

06.06.24 10:17

The review of relations with Georgia is about potential sanctions, visa restrictions, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said at the briefing.


“We announced a review less than two weeks ago of our relationship given the law that Georgia has passed. And I’m being a little flippant in response to your answer, but it’s – it’s because there are actual serious policy ramifications here, not just rhetoric. It is about the amount of assistance that we provide to Georgia, some 390 million that was budgeted over the past few years, that is under review. It is about potential sanctions, visa restrictions that we announced as a policy less than two weeks ago, that we are studying right now whether and how and when to implement.


So, you will see more from us. You will hear more from us.


It was the Secretary of State that announced this review. Ultimately it is conducted by others in the State Department in consultation with our colleagues across the interagency. And the Secretary will make decisions in consultation with those same colleagues”, said Matthew Miller.




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