Prime Minister's Report: Georgia has fulfilled 55% of its obligations under the Association Agreement

03.06.24 15:31

In terms of the implementation of the Association Agreement, Georgia has implemented approximately 55% of its obligations, it is stated in the annual report of the Prime Minister, which has already been submitted to the Parliament in written form.


In addition, the report mentions that Georgia received a high evaluation in terms of cooperation with Western partners in the issue of sanctions. As for the visa-free regime, according to the report, according to the latest assessment of the European Commission, Georgia successfully fulfills all the relevant points of cooperation, which is a guarantee of the smooth functioning of the visa-free regime.


"In the spring of 2023, Georgia prepared a report on Georgia's one-year progress within the enlargement package, and in the spring of 2024, work began on the 2024 enlargement report, which will be delivered to the European Commission in early September 2024. During the reporting period, Georgia made the most important efforts in terms of implementing both legislative and institutional reforms.


In total, about 25 new legislative acts were adopted and institutional changes were implemented in terms of legislation enforcement in accordance with European regulations and European directives. As a result, in terms of fulfillment of the Association Agreement, Georgia has fulfilled approximately 55% of its obligations," the report states.


It is also about the current situation in the region, and it is said that despite this, Georgia has consistently advocated and implemented a balanced policy aimed at restoring stability in the region and achieving long-term peace.


The report also talks about Georgia-China relations. According to the report, as of 2023, the bilateral trade turnover amounted to 1.6 billion US dollars. And in 2023, 48,304 Chinese tourists visited Georgia (555% increase compared to last year).




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