EU Integration Committee launches activities dedicated to 10th anniversary of Association Agreement

31.05.24 16:35

“We launch a certain action. We will dedicate the entire June to the 10th anniversary of the Association Agreement signing,” said Maka Botchorishvili, Chair of the parliamentary European Integration Committee.


At the committee meeting, Maka Botchorishvili said the Association Agreement laid a solid foundation for Georgia’s EU integration.


“This agreement is a framework for us with the implementation of which Georgia comes closer with the EU step by step, to the space where we want to be. Therefore, it is significant to summarize this decade-long period, what Georgia did to fulfil the Association Agreement, to bring Georgia closer to the EU than it was 10 years ago.


We will have the opportunity to listen to representatives of different sectors and ministries about the carried out reforms and what preconditioned Georgia’s being a leader not only among associated partners but also candidate countries.


Today, we begin with the reforms in the transport sphere. It is significant and interesting to consider how a country without a land border with the European Union can integrate with the EU through aligning its systems and standards,” she said.


Guram Guramishvili, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, reported to the European Integration Committee meeting. He emphasized the progress made in fulfilling the transport field obligations from 2014 to 2024 and outlined the plans to fulfil the remaining obligations under the Association Agreement.




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