Dimitri Khundadze: I don't think the USA and the West will go for sanctions, you can't sanction the legislators for the adopted law

24.05.24 11:42

On May 28, the Parliament of Georgia will remove the non-Georgian veto on the Georgian law and the law will enter into force - I don't think the USA and the West will go for such a decision [sanctions], because with this decision they will damage their own reputation. MP Dimitri Khundadze told reporters when he responded to Anthony Blinken's statement that "the US announces a policy of visa restrictions on persons responsible or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia and their family members".


According to him, if there is a choice between strengthening the sovereignty of the motherland and air tickets and visas, the choice will be in favor of the motherland.


"On May 28, the Parliament of Georgia will remove the non-Georgian veto on the Georgian law and the law will enter into force.


As for possible sanctions, society has more options. Let's judge how objective it is, for example, that Kezerashvili, who robbed the Georgian army and European pensioners, will walk freely in the West. Also, Adeishvili, who created a brutal regime, is met by high political officials in European structures.


For the love of the motherland and strengthening of sovereignty in Georgia, deputies and their family members should be killed.


I don't expect that such a tough decision will be made, but if the choice is made between strengthening the sovereignty of the motherland and air tickets and visas, of course, the choice will be in favor of the motherland.


The answer to such an approach already exists in Georgia. I will also have this answer: "I will not exchange my homeland for the paradise of another country", said Dimitri Khundadze.


According to him, everyone in Georgia has an obligation to protect the sovereignty of their country.


"When western law is in great need in the West and there are already a number of countries that adopt this type of law to protect their country's sovereignty, and in Georgia the same law is Russian, this is a double standard. In Georgia, everyone has the right and, moreover, the obligation to protect the sovereignty of their country", said Dimitri Khundadze.


When asked from whom the sovereignty of Georgia is protected, Khundadze says that "sovereignty must be protected from all those who threaten the sovereignty of the country, and all countries include all countries, including the United States of America."


Regarding the statement of Olivér Várhelyi of the European Commission that he really mentioned the Prime Minister of Slovakia during his conversation with the Prime Minister of Georgia, Khundadze says that "maybe this conversation was not intended as a threat, but such a conversation is still perceived as a threat".


"The conversation between European Commissioner Varhei and the Prime Minister may not have been intended as a threat, but such a conversation is still perceived as a threat. If someone tells the Prime Minister that if he acts in the way that Fitzo received 5 bullets, that is a threat. The safety of everyone, including the Prime Minister, will be protected. We need a transparency law to protect the country's sovereignty, and our so-called friends need opacity in order to organize unrest and revolution", said Dimitri Khundadze.


According to him, during the conversation with the Prime Minister, Olivér Várhelyi mentioned the disturbance in the street, which is also perceived as a threat.


"There was another issue in this conversation, perceived as a threat. When Varhey speaks that there will be chaos in the street. I understand that many countries are trying to do this, but it has not been possible before and will not be possible after that. So stability in the country will be guaranteed", said Khundadze.




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