Irakli Kadagishvili: The Venice Commission will not find a specific legal argument against the transparency law

22.05.24 16:53

In this conclusion, much more space is given to statements of political content and to a certain extent to procedural issues, than to the explanation of why specific articles in this law are inconsistent with the law and the laws that are valid or have already been adopted in the territory of the European Union, Irakli Kadagishvili, a member of the parliamentary majority, said about this while evaluating the conclusion of the Venice Commission.


According to Kadagishvili, therefore, it seems once again that the Venice Commission will not find a specific legal argument against this law either.


"Therefore, it seems once again that the Venice Commission will not find a specific legal argument against this law either. Therefore, we believe that we are dealing with an orchestrated expression of positions, rather than making any legal remarks regarding this law.


If we compare the laws in force in all European countries, from France to the European Union, we will see that the regulations introduced here are much simpler and softer. The scope of our legislation is limited to legal entities and in no case to natural persons. These legal entities do not have any obligations with us, except for the only one, that they publish their financial declaration once a year", said Kadagishvili.


As Kadagishvili noted, there is constant tension and political polarization in the country due to opacity and a certain part of non-governmental organizations, and the steps taken against this cannot be perceived as steps taken against the interests of the country and Europe.


"Georgia, first of all, protects the sovereign rights of its country. These sovereign rights include the defense of the country and ensuring the European integration of that country. Based on the fact that we have a picture of constant tension and political polarization in the country due to opacity and a certain part of non-governmental organizations, these funds are used improperly for political purposes, the steps taken against this cannot be perceived as being taken against the interests of the country and, in general, as against Europe," Kadagishvili said.


As a reminder, the Venice Commission publishes an urgent opinion on the draft law "On transparency of foreign influence".


The Venice Commission strongly recommends that the "Foreign Influence Transparency" bill be recalled in its current form.


The commission's conclusion states that the draft law will ultimately affect open, informed public debate, pluralism and democracy.




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