UNM faction Chair deems disregard of Venice Commision's Opinion as sabotage to Georgia's European future

22.05.24 16:05

“The Opinion of the Venice Commission states that the content and adoption form of the Russian law is anti-democratic and, therefore, anti-European. The Commission drew parallels with the Kremlin law, saying it has nothing in common with the American law or any adopted in other democratic states,” said Tina Bokuchava, Chair of the parliamentary United National Movement (UNM) faction.


Tina Bokuchava clarified that the Venice Commission is an independent body of the Council of Europe established in 1990 and has worked on hundreds of laws.


“Disregarding the recommendation of the Venice Commission simply means sabotaging Georgia’s European future. Ivanishvili’s Russian government does not just say that it will not fulfil the recommendation but openly attacks the Commission and doubts its competency,” she said.


According to Tina Bokuchava, the 24-page Opinion reads that the Georgian law On Transparency of Foreign Influence does not meet European and international standards, it restricts freedom of expression, manifestation, private life and human rights.


Bokuchava said the Venice Commission called on the Georgian government to repeal the law.


“Thus, the main European verdict on the Russian law, supported by the highest legal arguments, reflects the will of the absolute majority of the Georgian people and the logic of the president’s veto. It reads the law cannot be improved, and the only solution is to repeal it, share the President’s veto and not to allow the law to come into effect,” she said.


The Venice Commission published an opinion On the Transparency of Foreign Influence law on May 21.




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