Opposition MP believes sanctions on judges not to be lifted

02.04.24 14:24

“The situation over the supremacy of law is so perturbing in Georgia that I think no one will lift sanctions imposed on judges,” said opposition MP Khatia Dekanoidze.


Khatia Dekanoidze echoed the Georgian Dream’s appeal to the U.S. Embassy to discuss lifting sanctions on judges.


“The Georgian Dream blackmails the court clan, and they do the same. Meanwhile, both sides create a perturbing situation for the supremacy of law. Nobody would lift the imposed sanctions. Corrupted judges refuse to undergo vetting, and the Georgian dream stands firm,” she said.


On April 1, the leader of the parliamentary majority, Mamuka Mdinaradze, on behalf of the parliamentary majority, appealed to the US Embassy and Ambassador Robin Dunnigan “to start a conversation and remove the US-imposed sanctions on the Georgian judges,” stressing the ruling team was “categorical in this request.”


The US Department of State publicly designated Mikheil Chinchaladze, Levan Murusidze, Irakli Shengelia, and Valerian Tsertsvadze on April 5, 2023.


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