Gia Volski: We must take a firm position - Georgia does not deserve to be humiliated, including the use of the vetting mechanism

01.04.24 15:35

We have to take a firm position - Georgia does not deserve to be humiliated, including the use of this vetting mechanism, - the deputy of the parliamentary majority, Gia Volski, said while talking to journalists.


According to him, the statistical data prove that Georgia does not deserve such humiliation, but our judicial system is even demonstrable by a number of data.


As for the inscriptions appearing in the capital, regarding the court, Volski believes that political groups, including the United National Movement, are behind it.


"As for [judges'] visit to Italy, this is a political statement, a political demarcation, that in this court there are judges who think that vetting is good. There is nothing abnormal about it, maybe someone really likes it and has the opinion that Georgia deserves to be humiliated, So they deserve a thumbs up, its judges are verifiable in terms of competence, international rankings mean nothing. One may have such an opinion, but when the judges who hold this opinion are given a certain carte blanche to make statements, to go abroad for certain purposes, of course it should be discussed as a political demarche," said Volski.




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