Shalva Papuashvili: The issues outlined in the draft law are acceptable to the opposition and NGOs 

23.02.24 10:09

The issues outlined in the draft law of the Legal Issues Committee are acceptable to the opposition and non-governmental organizations - the only thing they raise is the "vetting" system, in this regard we raised the main question: what is the basis, and we could not get an argument, - the Chairman of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili said this after the meeting in the Parliament on the implementation of the nine recommendations of the European Union.


According to Papuashvili, no example of a court decision could be named at the meeting, which could be suspected to be a systemic problem.


"We had issues that are reflected in the draft law, and no comments were made regarding these issues. Therefore, the issues outlined in the draft law of the Legal Issues Committee are acceptable to the opposition and non-governmental organizations. The only issue they raise is the "vetting" system, according to which people appointed by foreign embassies are involved in vetting Georgian judges. In this regard, we asked the main question, what is the basis for this, we could not get this argument. It was said that there is no trust. Not a single example was given of a judicial decision that would be suspected of having a systemic problem.


Ukraine and Moldova are cited as examples. It was there that members of the foreign commission were appointed, who assessed the Moldovan judges. In Moldova, Zurab Adeishvili's deputy was named by those foreign commission members. If they have an idea that such people should check the integrity of the Georgian judge, of course, we cannot agree on this.


The main thing is that we persistently asked why this is necessary, no one can tell us this," said Papuashvili.




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