Shalva Papuashvili:The part of the non-governmental sector, which should express the public's interests, practically has become an ally of radical politicians

22.02.24 13:28

The part of the non-governmental sector, which should express the public's interests, practically has become an ally of radical politicians - in good cases, non-governmental organizations remained silent, and in some cases they themselves participated in the creation and spread of disinformation, - the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, said at the plenary session of the Parliament, where he is presenting the activity report 2023.


According to him, people do not listen to radicals, and the actions of radical politicians and their allied organizations do not have the effect that they sometimes have in mind.


As Papuashvili points out, the disinformation of radical parties and organizations becomes effective only when "some of our strategic partners become unwitting participants of the disinformation campaign".


"It is a sad reality that the government and our society had to fight against disinformation alone. In good cases, they remained silent, and in some cases, non-governmental organizations themselves participated in creating and spreading disinformation, which should, as a rule, evaluate the events from a neutral position. It is a pity that in the Georgian reality, several such organizations often compete and even surpass the opposition in the concerted dissemination of disinformation. Part of the non-governmental sector, which should represent the interests of society, practically became an ally of radical politicians. Since radicalism is foreign and unacceptable to Georgian culture, the actions of radical politicians and their allied organizations cannot have the effect that they sometimes have in mind. People don't listen to the radicals. Disinformation by radical parties and organizations only becomes effective when some of our strategic partners become unwitting participants in the disinformation campaign. The best example of this was last year's March actions and campaign, which was directed against our intention to make transparent the funds received from abroad in Georgia," said Papuashvili.





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