Archil Talakvadze: The radical opposition wants to keep the lever of political interference in the CEC

20.02.24 13:00

The radical opposition wants to keep the lever of political interference in the CEC and, most importantly, reserves the possibility to blame the possible defeat in the elections on the election administration - they are preparing more for the second day of the elections than for the election day, - the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament, Archil Talakvadze, said while talking about the changes in the election code.


According to him, the changes that the Parliament will support today will give Georgia the same election administration and regulations that European countries have.


"As a result of these legislative changes, Georgia will have an election administration and regulations that all developed European states have. This is our argument that the CEC should be protected from political interference and it should have the opportunity to conduct elections in the most independent and free environment. And the model proposed by the opposition practically does not exist in any European state. They cannot give even one example that the model they propose works in any developed democracy. This only proves that this radical opposition wants to keep the lever of political interference in the CEC and what the main thing is that they reserve the opportunity to blame the possible defeat in the elections on the election administration. They are preparing more for the second day of the elections than for the election day and the pre-election campaign, so they need a reason to blame someone for their political defeat in the upcoming parliamentary elections," said Talakvadze.


Today the Parliament will discuss the changes planned to be made to the electoral legislation regarding the formation of the election administration in the final - third reading.





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