Ruling party MP: new PM’s moving from parliamentary to executive power is “important for democracy”

12.02.24 10:45

Rati Ionatamishvili, an MP of the ruling Georgian Dream party, on Saturday said the transfer of Irakli Kobakhidze, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Georgia, who had served as the Parliament Speaker, from legislative to executive power was “important for the parliamentary democracy and sovereignty”.


Since our country is a parliamentary republic, it is even more important that these democratic processes [and] the democratic principles of power distribution develop in this way”, Ionatamishvili stressed in an interview with Imedi TV channel.

The MP called Kobakhidze “a high-class politician who is endowed with all the qualities that a head of state needs to have”, highlighting the new PM as “a person, a leader, who always goes to the front line for his country and his team, and does not back down from anything”.


Kobakhidze and his cabinet were approved on Thursday by the Parliament of Georgia, following the resignation of Irakli Garibashvili as the country’s PM in late January. 



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