Paata Manjgaladze to the majority: What problem did the representative of the opposition create in the CEC, what dilemmas did he pose?

09.02.24 15:24

What problem did the representative of the opposition create in the CEC during these years, what dilemmas did he pose? - With this change, will the European recommendation be considered fulfilled in the electoral part? Is it worth that this recommendation may not be considered fulfilled? This is how I look at this issue, Paata Manjgaladze, the deputy of "Strategy Agmashenebeli", stated this during his speech at the plenary session, where the deputies are discussing the amendments to the "Election Code".


According to him, the document has not been uploaded in the system yet, and therefore it is impossible to raise comments.


"At the meeting that you are referring to, we knew that it was an organizational meeting, the agenda was not defined there, what comments should we make regarding the "Election Code"?! What is this argument that "the opposition did not bring any comments, and because of that we present this version"? Moreover, after the legal committee, we also requested the appropriate version, including electronic version, and there was no such version. What we will see now is not uploaded to the system, we don't even know what we will see and what to submit a note about?! As for this particular clause, it was part of the agreement. I remember that then Irakli Kobakhidze was also involved, Shalva Papuashvili was also involved. We agreed, the consensus was to have administrative functions, including the opposition, to increase confidence. What problem did the representative of the opposition create during these years, what dilemmas did he raise? What dangers did the presence of the opposition create? I don't look at the issue that now the opposition will have to be represented there, it won't be, it's secondary. Will the European recommendation be considered fulfilled in the electoral part? I look at this issue like this. If there was no problem before, I know for sure, and it will not be created in the future, whether the representative of the opposition will be a deputy or not," said Paata Manjgaladze.



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