Bulgarian Ambassador believes new Gov’t will do “their best” to continue “essential” development of Georgia

09.02.24 12:07

Vesselin Valkanov, the Bulgarian Ambassador to Georgia, on Thursday said he believed the new Government would “do their utmost” to continue the “essential” progress for the country’s development.


In his comments to the media, Valkanov called the Government’s new programme “comprehensive and ambitious”, as the Ambassador attended a plenary session of the Parliament, where Irakli Kobakhidze, the candidate for the position of the Prime Minister presented the programme.


It is essential for Georgia to move forward to be a modern, developed country, where there is no poverty [...] as it is all related to the membership of the European Union. Once the programme is fulfilled, the steps [outlined for the country to open accession talks with the EU] will be executed by themselves”, Valkanov noted.
He expressed hope that after the Georgian authorities “fulfil the special action plan” for the country’s EU integration, “we will all celebrate a great achievement together [opening EU accession talks with Georgia]”.





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