Archil Talakvadze: It is already clear that parliamentary democracy and parliamentary politics are working in Georgia

09.02.24 10:03

It seems that the opposition understands well who it is dealing with today, - the member of the parliamentary majority, Archil Talakvadze, stated this in the Parliament, where the issue of the vote of confidence for the new composition of the government is being discussed.


Talakvadze evaluated the 2-day report of prime ministerial candidate Irakli Kobakhidze with a corresponding statement.


As he said, the Georgian society will not accept the political party back in power, which grossly violated human rights, deprived people of their property, destroyed the media and undermined European values in Georgia.


"Based on the tone of the opposition and their behavior during these two days, it is already clear that parliamentary democracy and parliamentary politics are working in Georgia, we are witnessing this today, and Irakli Kobakhidze was at the head of these reforms. It seems that the opposition understands well who it is dealing with today - a political leader who is well aware of internal parliamentary politics and political processes in the opposition. This is one of the reasons of they have changed their tone and attitude, although there are some other reasons as well, which we will definitely tell the public - this is the complete collapse of the National Movement camp, where its lobbyists and patrons saw the reality of what we've been talking for years.


The Georgian society will not accept the political party back in power, which grossly violated human rights, deprived people of their property, destroyed the media and undermined European values on Georgia. Therefore, a new political camp is being formed before our eyes, which is the successor of the National Movement in the genetic code, but it is tasked to separate itself from the National Movement, while at the same time proving that it is more National Movement than National Movement. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, the Lelos camp, on the other hand, the Girchi and Khoshtaria camps are engaged in the same radicalism, sabotaging the European future of Georgia and destabilizing the processes, as the National Movement did," said Talakvadze.





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