Salome Zurabishvili: I am standing at this tribunefor the first time as the President of a candidate country for the European Union - we did it!

06.02.24 13:30

Today, I am not standing at the tribune of the Parliament for the last time, but I am standing at this tribune for the first time as the President of a candidate country for the European Union. Congratulations to everyone on this great victory! We did it! - President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili said while presenting the annual report at the plenary session of the Parliament.


As Salome Zurabishvili noted, the year 2023, "which ended with such a great achievement and new hope, was not without challenges and difficulties".


"There are challenges in the field of security: the merciless war started by Russia in Ukraine continues. Russia could not break Ukraine. However, the unity and solidarity of Europe could not be undermined, it even strengthened. Despite the failure, or precisely because of it, Russia has launched new hybrid war (war without war) attacks against Georgia, for which it uses all forms and weapons," the President said.



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