Guram Macharashvili: Hungary is the most vocal supporter of Georgia in the European Union - as for their positions in relations with the European Union, we should not interfere here

05.12.23 14:45

Hungary is the most vocal supporter of Georgia in the European Union - as for their positions in relations with the European Union, we should not interfere here, Guram Macharashvili, a member of the parliamentary majority, told reporters, answering the question whether Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban poses a threat to Georgia's European integration, along with Ukraine's.


Macharashvili is sure that the negotiations between Orban and the European Union will end positively.


"Hungary and Viktor Orban are friends of Georgia. He has publicly announced that he supports Georgia's integration into the European Union. There have been many negotiations between Hungary and the European Union, which always ended with results, I am sure that this negotiation between them will have a positive result. I am sure that all countries, including, first of all, Hungary, will be supportive of Georgia, so that the country is finally granted the status of a candidate.


Hungary is the most vocal supporter of Georgia in the European Union, and this was confirmed not only during his visit to Georgia, but also during the Prime Minister's visits to Hungary and Europe in general. His attitude towards Georgia is clear, he supports the European integration of the country, as for his positions in relations with the European Union, he is well aware of this, and we should not interfere here. Negotiations between them always end positively and I am sure it will end like that. All countries have a particularly positive attitude towards Georgia, but of course, Hungary has a special one," Macharashvili said.


For information, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban may block the European Union enlargement document.




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