Tina Bokuchava: Georgia's de-occupation should be discussed only in the Geneva format - negotiations with the occupier without the involvement of partners are very dangerous

30.11.23 17:00

The only format where the issues of Georgia's de-occupation should be discussed, including with representatives of the occupation regime, is the Geneva format - negotiations without the involvement of partners are very dangerous, Tina Bokuchava, Chairperson of the National Movement faction, told reporters.


According to her, Georgian Dream should not have entered into a bilateral format with Russia (Karasin-Abashidze format).


As for the new format that Shamba is talking about, according to Bokuchava, it is important what the official response of Tbilisi will be.


"The only format where the issues of Georgia's de-occupation should be discussed, including with representatives of the occupation regime, is the Geneva format, but unfortunately, this format is practically inactive, and at this time, the Russian Dream offers counter-formats, among them, in the form of a bilateral format that was created by the initiative of Russian Dream. We think it is very dangerous and unacceptable to negotiate with an occupying power without the intervention of our Western partners, this is a dangerous precedent that the Dream should have never set, and now the representative of the occupying regime is openly talking even about the extension. However, we have to wait and see what the official response of Tbilisi will be ", said Bokuchava.


For information, the so-called security council secretary of Abkhazia, Sergey Shamba, held an online meeting with the former Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia and member of the Supreme Council, Vakhtang Kolbaia.




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