President: We all want Georgia to become a member of the European Union as soon as possible, which will bring prosperity, development, and freedom to this country and all its regions

30.11.23 11:00

The President of Georgia visited the non-formal education center "Melo" within the framework of the signature campaign "Our Voice for Europe" in the village of Melani and met with young people. The press office of the President's Administration disseminates information.


According to them, young people joined the signature campaign and expressed their support for the European future.


During the meeting with the young people, the President noted that Georgia received 9 recommendations from the European Commission and this is what we should want to do even if there were no recommendations.


"I am very happy to be your guest today, here in Melani, where there are such cheerful, active and young people full of life. You have contributed so much to the fact that such a new life has started in this village, that you have started what these children will continue with their renewed energy. I have seen their pictures and the theme is clear, it doesn't need long words. That is, we all feel, know and want Georgia to become a member of the European Union as soon as possible, which will bring prosperity, development and freedom to this country and all its regions, and all this, at the same time, should happen freely and not by forcing anyone; For example, you coming here and your participation in this circle is a completely voluntary decision. This is how our future should be, equipped with our own rules and our own requirements.


We know that we get recommendations, and somehow there is a slightly wrong feeling that these recommendations are given that they are something foreign, no - this is what we should want to do even if there were no recommendations, so that our tomorrow is more developed, stronger, more knowledgable, that there is more equality in the country and all are protected. This is Europe, it is more protection, more freedom and more equality, so that different categories of people have the same opportunity to develop themselves. We should achieve this and no one should limit us and no one should put some form of pressure on us.


It is freedom when you can choose your tomorrow. Young people, you have a future ahead of you, you will definitely witness that Georgia will be a member of the European Union. There are no two opinions about it, but you should be citizens of Georgia, which will be one of the strongest countries in the European Union, the size of the country does not matter here, this is one of the peculiarities of the European Union, that every country has one vote and the size of the country does not matter - big countries do not oppress small countries, every country exists with its own values, its own identity, but there is a common standard of well-being and life, which we must achieve. In the European Union where you will live, I want your Georgia to be outstanding, one of the most attractive countries, so that you could be proud of your country in that European Union even more so than today. I am sure of that.


I am by your side to support you as we walk this journey together. Actually, after December 15, a new phase will begin when the leaders of 27 countries will make a decision, so it is wrong to say in advance that they will definitely make this decision, we can hope for it, I am sure that this hope will be realized, but let them make this decision for them freely.


Then a new phase will begin for us, which will lead us to accession negotiations. This will be a very important stage that we will hold with the EU institutions and with the member states, which at the same time will allow us to be more prepared in this process, to move even further, it is not some stopped process where we sit and wait for something to be done. No, it is ours to do and everyone should participate in it.


It will be a merit of everyone. It is wrong when some people say - not you, not you - I, I did it. No, it is done by everyone, and it will be everyone's merit.


Once again, thank you very much for inviting me here, and I wish you to do a lot of things in this small space, and I want such spaces to be in every village or small town of Georgia," said the President of Georgia.




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