Paata Manjgaladze: It's a pity that SSG participates in a soap opera - it's a cheap delusion, "Akerman 2" series

02.10.23 18:00

If we don't get candidate status, don't come out, let's put up with it, the Russian army will come, we will come, eat you, kill you, don't raise your voice - this is the scenario of Georgian Dream, Strategy Builder MP Paata Manjgaladze said.


Manjgaladze responded to the information published by SSG and to the statements of Georgian Dream leaders and noted that this serves to cover up the espionage of Partskhaladze and intimidate people.


"SSG offered us another series, "Akerman 2", to cover up the espionage of Partskhaladze. Akerman was dead, and the media talked about the fact that the dead person was planning something in Georgia. They are taking revenge against the American special services as if USAID brought people to Georgia who were planning riots. This is the work of the Russian special services. An attempt to pay revenge for the American special services, that's what we call this delusion.


It's a shame SSG is involved in this soap opera. This is a cheap delusion, "Akerman 2" series, when a dead person was accused of organizing a revolution in Georgia for another month. The politically corrupt politicians of Georgian Dream are talking about the money of the American taxpayers, while we remember the scandal of Gharibashvili and Kaladze charters, that Kaladze went to Dubai for tanning, and these people are shedding crocodile tears for the money of the American taxpayers?! Who believes this cheap propaganda? The purpose of this is to intimidate people. If we don't get candidate status, don't come out, let's put up with it, the Russian army will come, we'll come, eat you, kill you, don't raise your voice - this is the scenario of Georgian Dream," Manjgaladze said.


For information, the State Security Service released information about the investigative action conducted against the organization "Canvas" and made public "part of the evidence".


According to SSG, on September 25, 2023, at the invitation of the East-West Management Institute of the USAID program, Serbian citizens Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stoisic and Slobodan Jinovic arrived in Georgia. According to SSG, these persons are connected with the revolutionary events in Georgia in 2003, and in different years also had connections with similar process in Serbia, Ukraine and other states.


According to SSG, they were actively teaching methods of creating protest drives and tactics of conducting violent actions. As SSG says, they represent the management link of the "Canvas" organization, and also Sinisa Sikman and Slobodan Jinovic are former members of the "Otpor" organization, which was an analogue of the Georgian organization "Kmara" in Serbia.


According to the SSG, the declared reason for the arrival of the mentioned persons in Georgia was to conduct trainings for groups working in the field of culture in matters of "strategic non-violent fight", but the investigation established that this was not the only purpose of their arrival in Georgia. In particular, the real purpose of the visit was to establish communication and conduct trainings with those young people and influential non-governmental organizations, which should become the core of destructive and illegal actions planned in Georgia in October-December of this year.


The State Security Service announces that the conference held on September 26-29, funded by USAID, was organized by "Canvas-Georgia" and the East-West Management Institute. SSG publishes part of the evidence obtained as a result of the secret investigative action against Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stojsic and Slobodan Djinovic.



source: IPN 

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