Parliament Chairman hosts Hungarian National Assembly Speaker

18.09.23 16:30

Georgian Parliament Chairman Shalva Papuashvili hosted the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, László Kövér.


At the briefing, Shalva Papuashvili said that the Georgia-Hungary strategic partnership from 2022 highlights close political relations between the two countries. He stressed that Hungary’s support was “valuable” for Georgia’s EU and NATO aspirations.


“We welcome and appreciate the high-level statements of the Hungarian side, which clearly and unconditionally support Georgia on its path of EU accession. It is what our country and the European future of our homeland need today and what we expect and would like to hear from other states as well,” Shalva Papuashvili said.


The Speaker further said that a positive trend in economic, trade, tourism and energy cooperation was discussed at the meeting, stressing Georgia was ready to continue its strategic partnership with Hungary.




source: 1TV

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