Speaker of the Hungarian Assembly: We believe that the European institutions should make up for the lost time and correct the mistake of not granting candidate status to Georgia and granting it to Ukraine and Moldova

18.09.23 13:50

We believe that the European institutions should make up for the lost time and correct the mistake of not granting candidate status to Georgia and granting it to Ukraine and Moldova, said the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, László Kövér, after meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili. .


According to him, Georgia not only deserves this status, but, in every sense, it is a part of Christian Europe.


"First of all, I would like to thank you for this invitation and warm welcome. I have come to Georgia for the second time. I was there for the first time in 2011. I see with my own eyes the great progress that the country has achieved in the last 10 years in terms of economy and other aspects of life. This progress is undeniable. Regarding your rapprochement with the European Union, we believe that the European institutions should make up for the lost time and correct the mistake that was made recently in the decision when they did not grant candidate status to Georgia and granted it to Ukraine and Moldova. Georgia not only deserves this status, but, in every sense, it is a part of Christian Europe. It is the second oldest Christian country in Europe. We believe that Georgia is not really in the last ranks, it is in the first or second place in terms of legislative harmonization, in terms of joining the European Union. Therefore, Georgia's place is really among the member states of the European Union. We spoke very loudly and continued to do so, and when necessary, we will show our support through action. We hope and are sure that Georgia will make more progress on this path and we hope that it will take another big step forward and apply not only for EU membership, but also for NATO. NATO is the only way to guarantee security in this region. We support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia," said László Kövér.




source: IPN 

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