European Integration Committee Chairwoman to report to COSAC

18.09.23 13:10

Maka Botchorishvili, Chairwoman of the Georgian parliamentary European Integration Committee said the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs (COSAC), which brings together the EU affairs committees of national Parliaments, as well as Members of the European Parliament, is an “excellent opportunity” to inform about Georgia’s viewpoints.


According to Maka Botchorishvii, discussions will focus on EU priorities under Spain’s chairmanship and the political decision on Georgia’s EU integration process.


“I will have bilateral meetings with my colleagues, representatives of the EU member states, to speak in more detail about the progress Georgia has made, what we do to get the EU candidate status and also to talk about our expectations, what we expect from the EU member states in December,” she said.




source: 1TV

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