Irakli Gharibashvili: In 2020, the GDP of the entire country was about 50 billion GEL, this year it is up to 80 billion GEL, in the last three years, the economy of our country has grown by about 30 billion GEL

11.09.23 17:00

In 2020, the GDP of the entire country was about 50 billion GEL, this year it is up to 80 billion GEL, in the last three years, the economy of our country has grown by about 30 billion GEL, Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Gharibashvili said this at the governmental meeting.


According to the Prime Minister, in 2012 the total amount of citizens' deposits was more than 2 billion dollars and the same amount in GEL, and now it is 23 billion dollars and 22 billion in GEL.


Irakli Gharibashvili noted that the number of deposits in commercial banks has increased.


"For comparison, I would like to quote once again, in 2020 the GDP of the whole country was about 50 billion GEL. This year it is up to 80 billion GEL. That is, in the last three years, the economy of our country has grown by about 30 billion GEL. By the end of the year, it will be almost 8,000 dollars per capita. This is certainly a very big leap. It needs to be maintained, protected and further strengthened. I recently made a comment in one of my interviews and said that for comparison, the total volume of deposits of our citizens in 2012 was, if I remember correctly, more than 2 billion dollars, approximately the same amount in GEL. Now there are 23 billion dollars, if I am not mistaken, and 22 billion in GEL. The number of deposits in commercial banks has increased. People are getting rich, this means that business is developing, the country is developing, growing, getting stronger, and of course, this is the result of our correct policy, which was started by Mr. Ivanishvili and we have continued, followed and maintained this course and trend for the last 10 years," said Irakli Gharibashvili.





source: IPN 

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