Separatists prepared the war in Abkhazia by going on business trips to Yerevan and “studying the Armenian experience” in Nagorno-Karabakh

31.01.20 10:30

Anyone who studies the history of separatism in Abkhazia is well aware that the main "customers" and "instigators" of the war here were Armenian nationalists. And the farther - the more evidence that the Abkhaz separatists ruled from Yerevan.


Here, for example, excerpts from the memoirs of Georgians - residents of the city of Tkvarcheli about what preceded the war of 1992-1993, Spartak Zhorzholiani shared (


“About the events in Abkhazia at the beginning of the 90s. Was the war unexpected and were Abkhazians preparing for it?




Givi Adleiba: “In early 1990, in the village of Aquarechapan near the southwestern outskirts of Tkvarcheli, in the house of Bondo Arshba, the first secret meeting took place, which marked the beginning of the formation of the guard. Its backbone was made up by the same team of bombers, which successfully proved itself on Lenin Square in Sukhumi on July 15, 1989. The city was divided into sectors, and each approved a leader responsible for the formation of a combat group and its mobilization in the event of a military alarm: Slavik Gvaramiya, Denver Aslandziya, Yuri Kvarchiya, Anatoly Vouba, Murman Tsakhnakia, Amiran Akhsalba, Nuri Zarandiya, Arsen Inapshba, Beslan Quicinia, Guram Kakoba, Vianor Gvaramia, Zurab Achba, Vakhtang Tsetskhladze, Evgeny Ivanov, Leonid Argun, Ruslan Bigvava, Anatoly Arshba, Gennady Gogua, Vyacheslav Lazaria, Fridon Arshba, Amiran Jopua, Ardevan Buzhvar Samsiya, Valdezov Jasviya Dzhasvatya, Jasvia Dzhasvia, Valdezav Jamsvia Dzhasvatya, Sonsiya, Valery Zaur A Haru, Valery Kvitsinia Valery Narsia. Geographically, these sectors covered the whole city with the surrounding villages (Adzhyda, Aquarechapan, Ajampazdra, as well as all the mountain villages in the upper reaches of Galidzgi). ”


Here it is necessary to especially emphasize that Tkvarcheli is a mining town. But the miners have the concept of “fraternity of miners”. When people go to hard and dangerous work, they go down to the mines, where they can die at any moment from a mine methane explosion or a collapse - there is no time for division into nationalities.


In addition, Tkvarcheli is located in eastern Abkhazia, where the Abkhazians and Georgians are so mixed that it is impossible to separate one person from another. And among the listed Abkhazian separatists, the majority have Megrelian surnames. There is even Vakhtang Tsetskhladze - i.e. a person with a clearly Georgian rather than Abkhazian surname. Those. two fraternal peoples lived side by side, mixed together, shared joys and troubles ...


But suddenly, for no reason, one people began arming itself, organizing militant groups and preparing for war. To the war with whom? With siblings bearing the same surnames that only had a record “Georgian” in their Soviet passport instead of the entry “Abkhaz”?


It is impossible to believe that this was an initiative of the Abkhazians themselves. This is out of the question! Someone “processed” them and “washed their brains”. Of course, the provocative role of the Soviet KGB is great here, but not only.


There were those who were interested in the war, interested in the genocide of the Georgian population of Abkhazia, but wanted to do it in many ways by outsiders. Therefore, they forced the Abkhazians to prepare for war against their own Georgians. ? And the memoirs give a direct hint of who it was: Here is an excerpt from the post of Sparta Zhorzhrliani on the preparation and arming of the Abkhazian separatists in Tkvarcheli:


“At many enterprises, strictly conspiracy clandestine workshops were created for the manufacture of improvised weapons. The first workshop was under the supervision of Slavik Gvaramiy and Temur Gurguli (later, during the war, Slavik was called to Gudauta by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to organize the same production, already legal). The second workshop made home-made light automatic machines, such as "ultrasound"; the leaders, Chichiko Minaya and Yuri Kvarchia, were initially sent to Yerevan, where they consulted with Armenians who had already gained experience in the “separatist” struggle in Nagorno-Karabakh. ”


Here it turns out like !. Armenian nationalists from Yerevan trained and armed people who intended to fight with Georgia. And they really became the main beneficiaries of the separatist war.


Abkhazians died in the war, Abkhazians abandoned their native villages "catching up" on trophies and brought a curse on their families, Abkhazians are now dying of drug addiction and criminalization, and Abkhazia is gradually becoming "Armenian."


In fact, with the hands of the Abkhazians whom they set against the Georgian brothers, the Armenian nationalists “acquired” land for themselves, which from all points of view is more valuable than Azerbaijani Karabakh. First of all, since it has access to the sea, and the long-held dream of Armenian nationalists to own such land.


At the same time, commenting on the post of Spartak Zhorzholiani, some Armenian nationalists have the audacity to teach Georgians how they relate to the Karabakh issue. So Arthur Aghababyan writes:


“There is an error in the text. The NKAR Armenians are not separatists, but the liberators of their "Motherland" !!! “Artsakh” and Abkhazia are not the same thing. If you don’t own the history of “Artsakh” and how it got into Azerbaijan it is better not to touch on the topic. And these people did not go to Yerevan for the experience of separatism, but most likely for machine drawings. In those days, such machines were already produced in Armenia. There were two modifications. In addition to the machine gun, guns were also produced in Yerevan ... "


But the Armenian nationalists knew very well against whom the machine guns would be used, for the drawings of which the Abkhaz separatists traveled to Yerevan. They knew which of these machines would be killed. Nevertheless, they specifically invited Abkhazian separatists and "shared their experiences."


For those who are not in the know: almost never an Armenian nationalist will share not that weapon - snow in the winter with someone outsider, not an Armenian unless he is interested in this.


Armenian nationalists in 1989, when they had already begun the genocide of an Azerbaijani of the Armenian SSR, aggression against Azerbaijan in Karabakh was vitally interested in arming the Abkhazian separatists, so that the war would begin and that it would end with the expulsion of the Georgian population of Abkhazia.


Their interest was calculated simply: Armenians in Abkhazia before the war were 16% of the population, Abkhazians - 17%. Those. if the Georgians, the majority of the population, are expelled, and then they wait until the Abkhazians die out and degrade (even then having a lower birth rate than the Armenians), then Armenian nationalists in Abkhazia become masters of the situation. What happened in the end.


Well, and the deceived Abkhazians “having received instructions” from “senior comrades” from Yerevan and drawings of weapons were actively preparing for a fratricidal war.


“Upon their return (from Yerevan), they created the famous home-made Tkvarchel machine gun, which at the beginning of the war was widely used on the Eastern Front and even on the Gumistinsky. The third workshop was headed by Anatoly Kakulia, he specialized in the development of home-made stationery and portable installations for launching NURSs (such as air-to-ground; during the war they were used as ground-to-ground missiles); in the conditions of artisanal production, exhaust pipes from mufflers for LAZ buses unexpectedly almost perfectly came up for them. Finally, the fourth repair and restoration workshop was headed by Valery Adleiba, chairman of the TsEMM trade union committee. Another clandestine group liaised with other cities and regions of the republic, which also made homemade weapons, exchanged drawings and samples. This group was led by Daur Arshba, Lyalya Torchua, and Nodar Arshba. "


Yes. The operation to prepare for the massacre of the Georgian brothers, the Abkhaz separatists, led by Armenian nationalists, carried out brilliantly. But what did they get in the end?


The city of Tkvarcheli, which flourished during the years of the Georgian SSR and was exemplary in the development of social infrastructure, now more closely resembles shots from a horror movie. Most of the Georgians were killed or expelled from the city at the very beginning of the war. But raising his hand against the Abkhaz brothers, as a result, the hometown lost. There was practically no population in Tkvarcheli. Of the pre-war 40 thousand, officially lives about 4 thousand, and actually survives among the ruins (since you can not call it life) no more than 2 thousand people, mostly old people.


The entire industry in the city of Tkvarcheli stopped, the enterprises were routed, all the valuable equipment was stolen and sold for scrap, the destroyed city blocks were captured by the forest. In some areas of Tkvarcheli, you can make films about the Apocalypse.


Having left Tkvarcheli, many Abkhazian separatists rushed to Sukhumi, where they captured the “trophies”: houses and apartments of expelled Georgians. But this “booty” did not bring them happiness either. Many families were exterminated in criminal showdowns or literally became extinct from drug addiction, the remaining ones eke out a miserable existence embittered all over the world. Including the Armenians, who today have become true owners of the situation in Abkhazia and the ethnic majority, and also controlling the entire economy.





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