Mamuka Mdinaradze: If anyone sees at least one point in our draft law that is similar to the Russian one and is not in other European or American ones, we can talk about withdrawal of this draft law tomorrow

10.04.24 17:36

If anyone sees at least one point in our draft law that is similar to the Russian one and is not in other European or American ones, we can talk about withdrawal of this draft law tomorrow, - Mamuka Mdinaradze, Executive Secretary of Georgian Dream and the leader of the parliamentary majority, told journalists.


As Mdinaradze explained, people are protesting against the unread law.


"If someone sees at least one point in our draft law, which is similar to the Russian one, and there is no similar entry elsewhere, in the European or American ones, we can talk about withdrawing this draft tomorrow. If you mean filling out the declaration, it is the same in American, Canadian, Ukrainian and so on. I appeal to everyone who joins this campaign to name one point, what is Russian, and we will meet whatever request you want. Have they read the law? They make people protest? Every day people are under attack and psychological terror," Mdinaradze said.




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