Tbilisi City Hall: The municipality did not give permission for the placement of posters "on transparency of foreign influence" in the capital – this is a violation

10.04.24 13:28

According to the Deputy Mayor of Tbilisi, Kakhaber Guledani, the municipality did not give permission for the placement of posters "on transparency of foreign influence" in the capital.


According to him, the municipal inspection has started an examination of the mentioned issue.


“Placing posters in different locations of the city – some of political and some nof on-political content, if it is unauthorized, is certainly a violation of law. The municipal inspection has started an examination of the mentioned issue and we are following the process. The municipality did not issue a permit on this matter. Sanctions are as follows: there is a fine from 200 GEL to 1000 GEL in different zones. An examination will be conducted and appropriate sanctions will be imposed on those posters for which permission has not been issued", said Kakhaber Guledani.


To the journalist's question regarding the fact that the posters of political content were put up by Georgian Dream as well, and if sanctions would be imposed on them as well, the Deputy Mayor said: "As I told you, the permit was not issued for any of the posters. The municipal inspection is investigating the rest."




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