Dimitri Khundadze: If the practice established in Europe itself becomes the basis for sanctioning our deputies, then how should we be associated with Europe? We must expose “black money”

10.04.24 12:17

If the practice established in Europe itself becomes the basis for sanctioning our deputies, then how should we be associated with Europe, or what kind of partnership it is, when a deputy is threatened with a sanction that if he makes a specific decision in the legislative body of his own country, - People's Power MP Dimitri Khundadze told journalists.


With this, he responded to the statement of the Spokesperson for the US State Department, Matthew Miller.


According to Khundadze, we have to resist psychological pressure and expose "black money", which serves precisely such pressures.


"Considering that you call everything Russian, we will give you a European answer to such issues, for example, what Macron said, France is not a vassal of the USA, Georgia is not a vassal of anyone either. Georgia wants a partnership relationship, and Georgia itself uses established practices in Europe. Therefore, if the practice established in Europe becomes the basis for sanctioning our MPs, then how should we be associated with Europe, or what kind of partnership it is, when a deputy is threatened with a sanction that if he makes a specific decision in the legislative body of his own country. So, let's withstand psychological pressure and expose "black money", which serves precisely such pressures. Georgia is an independent and sovereign country", said Khundadze.


For information a few days ago, Matthew Miller said that if Georgia adopts the law "On transparency of foreign influence", it will harm civil society organizations and divert the country from the European path. “Right now we are making clear that we are concerned with the – this draft legislation. With respect to what we might do if it moves forward, stay tuned. I don’t have anything to announce today”, he said.




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