President: The referendum on the restoration of Georgia's independence is a symbol of the country's victory and unity

01.04.24 10:50

In connection with the 33rd anniversary of the referendum on the restoration of Georgia's independence, the President of Georgia hosted government representatives, deputies, election commission members and students at the Orbeliani Palace.


According to the press service, the President of Georgia addressed the invited guests and focused on several aspects of the importance of the independence referendum of Georgia:


"March 31, April 9, May 26 - these are the most important dates in our recent history, on which our state, our independence and our future stand.


These are not only historical dates that we traditionally remember. It is very important not only to remember today, but also to understand what these days mean, what their significance is and how relevant all these dates are for our state and society.


I will not tell you what March 31 means, the public remembers it better than me and knows how March 31 came, how it happened and then April 9... I would like to draw your attention to only 3 aspects:


First - referendum as a symbol of victory and unity. If it were not for the unity of the country and all its citizens (which is clearly visible in the results of this referendum) - there would not have been a referendum and a sign of its victory. There was a spirit of unity and independence that already existed and that led to further decisions - the Georgian nation proved its will to be free and independent.


Second - referendum as a legal basis. The referendum became the basis of the Act on the Restoration of Independence of Georgia, which was signed on April 9.


If there was no referendum, it is clear that the Act of Independence would not have the same force and the same weight.


Also, the referendum became the legal basis of the territorial integrity of Georgia, because it was held on the entire territory of Georgia.


The referendum also became a symbol and example of the continuity of the state, because the question of the referendum was about the restoration of independence of May 26, 1918 on the basis of the first constitution. This state continuity is very important and we stand by it even today.


Even more important is that the referendum was also a political statement, a political act - a rejection of Soviet totalitarianism, Soviet system and Russian imperialism at the same time. This is what we stand for today. This is what we continue to fight for.


Even more important is that the referendum was also a political statement, a political act - a rejection of Soviet totalitarianism, the Soviet system and Russian imperialism at the same time. This is what we stand for today. This is what the fight for is not over.


Today we are still fighting the remnants of Soviet totalitarianism, today we are still fighting the remnants of Russian imperialism (sometimes strong). It can be seen in our daily life, it can be seen in Ukraine, it can be seen in our occupied territories, it can be seen in propaganda, it can be seen in every step of the hybrid war, and it can be seen in the efforts to prevent Georgia from continuing to move towards the formation of an independent, free, modern, European state.


Therefore, we should not only celebrate these dates, but also fully realize that this fight belongs to us. We are also responsible for our ancestors and future generations, how we will preserve, how we will strengthen, how we will strengthen the legacy, which is called the March 31 referendum.


This is what Zviad Gamsakhurdia left us and for which he entered the history of Georgia. Today is his 85th birthday, and it is very important that since the first president left us this huge achievement, it is our debt and obligation not only to preserve it, but also to take it to the next level," said the President of Georgia.




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