Georgian Parliament Speaker: time has come for EU to officially distance itself from slanderous allegations of MEPs

29.02.24 16:57

Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili on Thursday said the European Union had to officially distance itself from the “slanderous” allegations of MEPs, in response to an amendment to a resolution of the European Parliament introduced by a MEP Anna Fotyga to urge the Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili to pardon the former President Mikheil Saakashvili.


In a social media message, Papuashvili noted that a “huge gap” of misunderstanding about Saakashvili between his foreign patrons and the Georgian people continued to harm “our foreign relations”.


“This is not new. We heard such calls before and we know that they are not leading anywhere. What authors of such statements completely fail to understand is the overwhelmingly negative attitude towards Saakashvili and his foreign patrons among the Georgian public. While Saakashvili’s lobbyists hail Georgian ex-president’s ‘deeds’, for most Georgians things are diametrically opposite. Moreover, such inexplicable statements from Western politicians raise certain cognitive dissonance, when people start asking how the democratic West may still support a widely despised authoritarian figure. This also raises suspicions as to whether hailed ‘Western values’ are a mere ruse for promoting certain geopolitical objectives”, Papuashvili said.



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