US Ambassador: Euro-Atlantic path requires strong, independent, trusted judiciary

29.02.24 15:27

The United States, through USAID, is committed to continued progress on judicial reform in Georgia, stated the US Ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan. She made this statement during her participation in the USAID’s Rule of Law Program conference, Making Justice Equally Accessible for All.


“I’m very pleased to join Supreme Court Justice Nino Bakakuri, representatives of the judicial executive, and legislative branches of the Georgian government, the Georgia Bar Association, and civil society organizations today at this very important discussion about citizens’ access to legal services and human rights protections. Georgia has already made tremendous progress in this area as was recognized when Georgia received EU candidate status.


And we are very, very pleased through USAID, the US government to continue to support Georgia’s progress. I think the wide range of participation today shows Georgia’s commitment to more progress on its Euro-Atlantic path. And that path requires a strong, independent, trusted judiciary that protects human rights.


So it’s a pleasure to be here today. United States through USAID is committed to continued progress on judicial reform here in Georgia,” Robin Dunnigan stated.




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