De facto leaders of occupied Abkhazia say Moscow wants GID to be held in post-Soviet space

27.02.24 17:43

Moscow wants to resettle the Geneva International Discussions (GID) “to another city,” said the de facto president of occupied Abkhazia, Aslan Bzhania.


According to the de facto Foreign Minister of Georgia’s occupied region, Inal Ardzinba, Minsk and Baku are considered hosting the talks.


“The Russian side is raising a very important issue that concerns moving the Geneva discussions from Geneva to another city. It is because Geneva is increasingly less able to provide equal conditions for all participants in the negotiation process,” Ardzinba said.


Aslan Bzhania says this issue was discussed during the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.


“He (Lavrov) asked whether the Abkhaz side would object to continuing to work in a more suitable place. He said it could be the capital of Belarus, Minsk, or the capitals of other countries, the most neutral states of the former Soviet Union. This can be considered. If this decision is made, I believe there would be nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, maybe something will change for the better,” Bzhania said.


Presenting a report on the so-called ministry’s activities for 2023, Ardzinba said that “Georgia refuses political dialogue to sign a mutually binding agreement on the non-use of force.”



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