Nino Dolidze: The 2024 elections must be held well to take the next step in the European integration process

27.02.24 15:03

It is very important that the 2024 elections are held well to take a further step in the process of European integration, - said the head of ISFED, Nino Dolidze.


According to her, voters should have the opportunity to express their free will, there should be no pressure and threats, "all the facts that we saw in the last elections".


"It is very important that the 2024 elections are held well to take the next step in the European integration process. The pre-election process, the election day, and the subsequent period must be free and fair, this means that by the OSCE/ODHIR standards, the voter has the opportunity to express their free will, there is no pressure and threats, all the facts that we saw in the last elections.


It is also important not to use administrative resources. There should be a sharp line between the government and the ruling political party. The independence of the election administration is very important. "It is a pity that the parliament adopted a law that contradicts the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIR and the Venice Commission," Dolidze said.




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