Military personnel commemorate Archil Tatunashvili at Mukhatghedi Brothers' cemetery

22.02.24 18:20

Six years have passed since the death of Archil Tatunashvili, and a memorial event was held in his honour. Deputy Commander of the Georgian Defense Forces, Chief of the General Staff, Major General Joni Tatunashvili, along with Chief Sergeant of the Defense Forces, Giorgi Gogochuri, and other military personnel paid tribute to Archil Tatunashvili’s memory.


The military personnel gathered at the Mukhatghedi Brothers’ Cemetery, where they spoke with the family members of the deceased and expressed their condolences.


Additionally, the memorial named after Archil Tatunashvili in Tsilkni IDP settlement was adorned with flowers by the servicemen of the 12th battalion of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the Eastern Command of the Defense Forces.


Archil Tatunashvili was illegally arrested by representatives of the occupation regime in Akhalgori six years ago on February 22. His death was reported on February 23. His body was later transferred to the territory controlled by the Georgian side and buried with military honours at the Mukhatghedi Brothers Cemetery. Archil Tatunashvili served in the Defense Forces from 2007 to 2011.





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