Khatia Dekanoidze: The Chairman of the Parliament presented the most polarizing report, containing contempt and aggression, he talked only about the so-called radical opposition

22.02.24 17:39

It was only about the so-called radical opposition and nothing about the plans to bring Georgia closer to the European Union - this is how the EuroOptimists deputy, Khatia Dekanoidze, assessed the report of the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili.


According to her, the report showed that any call for cooperation is false, because all the aggression and contempt was directed exactly towards the opposition.


"Parliament, which should be one of the examples of significant implementation of 9 reservations of the European Union in Georgia, (I'm talking about depolarization) unfortunately, today it appeared that the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia presented the most polarizing report, containing contempt and aggression. He talked only about the so-called radical opposition and nothing about the plans to bring Georgia closer to the European Union. Sadly, the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia named the opposition in the list of enemies of the country. I don't remember any other country with such harsh statements and evaluations, unless we count the dictatorial countries. Sadly, this report's main foundation and pillar was aggression and hatred towards the opposition," said Dekanoidze.


For information, the Chairman of the Parliament Shalva Papuashvili came out with a report at today's plenary session of the Parliament.





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