Viktor Orbán: In 2008 Ukraine and Georgia could join the EU and NATO, but this opportunity was missed

12.02.24 13:08

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, believes that Ukraine should become a "buffer zone" between Russia and the West because Moscow will never accept its accession to the European Union and NATO.


"Like it or not, Ukrainians like it or not, Ukraine is where it is on the map. The best prospect is for it to be a buffer zone between Russia and the West - with security guarantees. If this does not help, Ukraine will lose territory. Russia will destroy Ukraine again and again. Russia will never accept the appearance of a member of the European Union and NATO, such as Ukraine, on its borders," Viktor Orbán said.


In addition, according to him, 2008 Ukraine and Georgia could join the European Union and NATO. Still, this opportunity was missed, and "at the same time, the prospects of joining the European Union and NATO were also missed."




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