Irakli Kobakhidze: The government of Georgia should set an example for everyone in terms of transparency and accountability

12.02.24 12:15

I believe that the government of Georgia should set an example for everyone in terms of transparency and accountability. Each of our decisions should be as open as possible to citizens, and we demand the same from all other state agencies, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said at the government meeting.


In addition, he noted that the country needs rapid economic development.


"In general, our country is facing serious challenges, we need rapid economic development, completion of large-scale infrastructural projects, further strengthening of the country's defense capabilities and security, we need to further strengthen education, healthcare, social security systems, as well as care for culture, sports, youth direction, as well as further strengthening of the foreign political positions of our country, naturally, it is necessary. In order to achieve maximum results from our activities, government activities must be based on very strong principles. First of all, I believe that the Georgian government should set an example for everyone in terms of transparency and accountability. Each of our decisions should be as open as possible to citizens, and we demand the same from all other state agencies. Also, we must constantly take care of the continuous improvement of the work we do, we must strengthen all relevant mechanisms of quality control and supervision to minimize defects. The same applies to the quality of public services, here too we must minimize the complaints of our citizens regarding the quality of services, and in general, decisions regarding all topics must be made on the basis of very broad consultations with the public, specialists, representatives of the field. Whenever we make a certain decision, we should explain the content and reasons of this decision to the society as widely as possible, this should be one of the guiding principles of our activity. One of the pressing issues is the issue of the Republican Hospital, and in this case too, we need active consultations with specialists in the relevant field, doctors, and the hospital team in order to ultimately make appropriate decisions," said Kobakhidze.


According to the Prime Minister, the country has very good results in the fight against corruption, in terms of the lack of corruption, which is confirmed by many international reports.


"However, here too I think that we should have even higher ambitions and we should have the ambition to be among the leading countries in the world in this respect, which is an absolutely realistic task, the main thing is to actively work on all this. In general, we have a very strong government team and I am sure that together we will achieve very important results. Everything is a matter of our purposefulness, principledness, consistent activity, hard work, which none of you lacks. Once again, I want to wish you success," Kobakhidze said.





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