Parliament of Georgia and Israeli Embassy jointly hold official commemoration service for International Holocaust Remembrance Day

29.01.24 16:54

Today, the Parliament of Georgia and the Israeli Embassy to Georgia jointly held the official commemoration service for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Israeli Embassy reports.


In his remarks, Chairman of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, highlighted the crucial importance of maintaining Holocaust awareness throughout all generations.


Ambassador Meitzad expressed concern about the worldwide rise in antisemitism and underscored the necessity of taking action against it. She emphasized the need to condemn any act of antisemitism and hatred while stressing the importance of investing more in Holocaust education. Through joint efforts to combat antisemitism and all forms of discrimination and hatred, coupled with increased knowledge, we can ensure that "Never Again" does not become an empty slogan.


"When discussing the Holocaust and the loss of six million lives, our focus often centers on death - the inhumane and sadistic manner in which the Nazis and their collaborators executed their infamous final solution to the Jewish question, systematically annihilating millions of people. However, we must also remember the antisemitic propaganda and dehumanization of the Jewish people that preceded the Holocaust and made it happen," mentioned the Israeli Ambassador in her speech.


"Disturbingly, after the tragic events on October 7, we have witnessed a major rise in antisemitism worldwide, and no country is immune, regardless of its heritage and traditions. Sadly, even here in Georgia, where the common bonds we share are a source of pride for both Georgians and the Jewish community, we are starting to see some unfortunate examples, in the margins, exploiting present tragedies to promote falsehoods and misinformation in public spheres. While these occurrences are still rare, we must act now to protect Georgia’s high standards for tolerance. First, by condemning any form of antisemitism, and second, by investing more in the education of the future generation about the Holocaust and antisemitism. Last year, we completed two short seminars in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Yad Vashem about Holocaust studies, and we hope to continue this meaningful cooperation."


During the service, six candles were lit to honor the memory of the six million Jews, along with six individual soul candles for the memory of six Jewish victims who were part of the wealth of Jewish culture and creation that flourished before the war and was forever lost. The candles were lit by Chairman Papuashvili, Ambassador Meitzad, MP Mikanadze, Eva Babaihvili on behalf of the Jewish Community, Ambassador Dunigan, and Tamar Chachibaia, the granddaughter of Sego Metraveli, the Georgian righteous among the Nations.

“Today, we recommit to the values we all agreed to cherish after the war, and we reiterate our commitment to #NeverAgain”, reads the statement released by the Israeli Embassy.




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